Thursday, March 4, 2010

space invaders game

In this and following tutorials you will learn about Applets, Threads, Graphics and a few other things. By the end of this tutorial you should have the skills to make basic games in Java. For this tutorial you will be making a simple ‘space invaders’ type game.

I assume that you have basic knowledge of Java as I wont be going into the basic details of how some things work.

First we will be starting by creating an applet and drawing a circle to the applet area.

1. Create a file called ‘’.
2. Open the file.

The next step is to import the necessary packages. For now we will only be requiring 2 packages:
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

Now that the importing has been taken care of we will need to set up the Java applet by the following:

public class Game extends Applet implements Runnable

This basically gives access to the Applet class and the ‘Runnable’ makes it so we can implement threads.

The variables come next as we wish to make these ones global:

Thread gameThread;
int width=400, height=400, MAX=1;
int currentX[] = new int[MAX];
int currentY[] = new int[MAX];

I have decided to use arrays for the X and Y cords now because they will be used at a later stage. It makes it easier to set it up now rather than changing it later.
Next comes the methods. I have included methods that are currently not used at this stage but they are used later.

Start() is used for starting a new thread for the class.

public void start()
Thread gameThread = new Thread(this);

init() is used for setting the initial values

public void init()

run() is the main method we will use later. It is initialised after a new thread is started.

public void run()

paint() calls update().

public void paint(Graphics g)

update () is where all the actual drawing is done.

public void update(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;

// Set the background color.

// Clear the applet.
g2.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

// Set the drawing color to green.

//(X pos, Y pos, Width, Height)
g2.fillOval(currentX[0], currentY[0], 20,20);

* Note this is an applet which means you must run it from a HTML file. The HTML code to run this applet is as follows and I will use the same code throughout this series of tutorials.